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Powered by 501c3 based organization, Power is Giving, Inc. ( ), Eat Drink Disrupt Chronic Disease AKA EDD Summits is a ½ day, 100% plant-based clinical and culinary wellness program that showcases BIPOC, evidence-led, solution-based presenters, panelists, chefs and resources to help remedy the disproportionate crisis of BIPOC and overall community health.

EDD Summits

Experiencing the highest chronic disease death and disability rates, systemic healthcare inequities and healthy food access challenges, we target solutions to BIPOC health through the presentation of two plant-based BIPOC clinicians, community equity and justice activists, chefs and hand-selected, BIPOC vendors that pay no table or participation fees. 


One of five programs administered by 501c3 organization, Power is Giving, Inc. , EDD Summits, is a publicly held, community-wide, 1/2 day program featuring BIPOC-led, plant-based clinicians, subject matter experts and chefs providing free tastings, evidence-based health resources and panel discussions about food apartheid and more for communities that need it most. 


Showcasing 100% whole-food, plant-based BIPOC clinical presenters, BIPOC chefs, a panel of BIPOC wellness and equity subject matter experts, we also bring in BIPOC chefs to conduct demos for all patrons. 


In an effort to bridge the systemic equity divide, we select BIPOC product and service vendors; inviting them to showcase their products and services at with no registration fees or table costs.  We also provide honorariums to support the talent and time spent by our BIPOC tasting station chefs in each presenting program city.   


Free resources are made available at the Power is Giving resource table  as well as our Ask a Doc or Vegan table, where you can ask up to questions regarding how a plant-based lifestyle positively impacts, human health as well as animal welfare and our environment. 

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